Information and FAQs about the whistleblower system
Welcome to the Deuerer whistleblower system. You can use this system to report problematic issues.
You are expressly encouraged to address problems or grievances because this is the only way we can avoid mistakes in the future and improve. Through your reporting of issues, you are making your contribution to the compliance culture at Deuerer. We thank you for that.
Which breaches can be reported?
In principle, all breaches of the Deuerer Code of Conduct and other internal guidelines as well as all other breaches of laws and regulations that are threatened with a sentence or a fine (criminal or administrative offences) can be reported. For example, the following breaches can be reported:
- bribery (including attempted bribery) or corruption;
- illegal agreements with competitors or other breaches of antitrust law;
- theft, embezzlement of material;
- contamination of water bodies or the illegal disposal of waste;
- discrimination, sexual harassment;
- breaches of animal welfare legislation.
In addition, complaints about human rights and environmental risks or breaches of duty by Deuerer or our suppliers can also be reported. These include, for example, child labour, lack of occupational health & safety, hygiene violations, lack of fire protection, harassment and environmental violations.
Which breaches should not be reported via the whistleblower system?
Information that is not related to a professional activity at Deuerer or with our suppliers must not be reported via the whistleblower protection system. Such reports will not be dealt with.
Complaints regarding the quality of our products or complaints should also not be reported via our whistleblower system. For such concerns, please contact our consumer service.
Should I need to be afraid of consequences if I report an issue?
Whistleblowers are given special protection. We will not treat reports as a breach of trust and will not tolerate any form of prejudicial behaviour against anyone who has reported a possible breach in good faith. In good faith means sincerely believing that there is a breach of company values, internal regulations or legislation.
What do I have to take into account to when reporting?
Please describe the incident in as much detail as possible. We particularly need information on the following questions:
- What did you perceive/observe?
- Which people were involved in the incident?
- When did the incident happen?
- Where did you observe or witness the incident?
- When did you hear about the incident?
Please note that we cannot follow up on reports without sufficiently concrete evidence.
How can I submit the report?
You have the option of submitting the report via the following channels:
By e-mail:
By post:
Personal / confidential
Legal Department (Compliance)
Tiernahrung Deuerer GmbH
Rinklinger Straße 13-17
75015 Bretten
Every report that reaches us will be assessed and dealt with in the same way. It will be checked according to the predefined processes and requirements.
Who can submit reports?
Reports can be submitted by employees, but also by external third parties.
How do we process your report?
All reports are checked by the qualified and experienced employees of our legal department. The investigations are carried out with the utmost confidentiality. The information is processed in a fair, fast and secure manner. The person affected by the allegation will be given the opportunity to comment as early as possible. Anyone concerned is presumed innocent as long as no breach has been proven.
What happens after I submit the report?
We will confirm receipt of your report within 7 days. Once the investigation has been completed, we will inform you of this and of the final decision.
All personal details will be deleted depending on the outcome of the investigation. If the accusation has been disproved, it will be deleted immediately. If the allegations are confirmed, the data will be deleted after 2 or 6 years – depending on the risk level.
Code of Conduct